Keep your Employees Motivated as they Work from Home

April 24, 2020

Work from home, work from home, work from home. This may be all you have been hearing nowadays.

With the spread of Covid-19 affecting everyone’s daily lives, businesses are not spared from the wrath of the virus. Most companies have been ordered to implement Work from Home (WFH) for their employees in order to minimise physical interactions between people.

When the news was announced publicly, some may rejoice, while others may frown upon that idea. Indeed, working remotely has both its pros and cons. Although it would seem to be really nice to be able to save some time commuting to and fro work, it may actually be more difficult to stay focused on your tasks while you work from home. At least one thing that all employers can all agree on is that we have to find ways to keep our employees motivated and productive during this period of time.

In order to combat this potential issue, Maha has scheduled a daily morning dial-in session to ensure social connectivity amongst our employees and to keep our spirits high!

Here are some ideas you can do for your morning calls with your employees:

1. Family Day Everyday

Since most of us have to work from home, it would mean that we see our family members more often as well. Therefore, we have decided that everyday can be Family Day if we want it to be! One of our morning tasks is to introduce one family member of ours and get them to say something to start off the day right for everyone.

2. Introduce Your Favourite Work Song

We all have that favourite jam we groove along with to lighten our mood from all the intense hustling. Take a moment to share your favourite jam, and who knows, maybe you may convert one or more of your fellow colleagues to be a follower of your favourite artiste!

3. Share A Joke Or Encouraging Note

We could all spread positivity during this period of time – by sharing a joke or an encouraging note at the beginning of the day, it could influence our mindset straightaway and determine our level of motivation for the day.

4. Conduct Morning Exercise Session

Do you know exercises help to keep your thinking, learning and judgement skills sharp? So there is always time to stay active and keep our immunity up (especially in times like these)! Cultivate a good habit with your team to start off the day with a simple morning exercise.

5. Form Your Company Logo

What other better way to display your love for the company right? This is also a good way to foster bonds amongst your employees as they work together to form the logo.

6. Share About A Meaningful Activity We Have Done

Ever want to learn a new skill or do an activity for a long time but didn’t have the time to do so? With more time on hand now, you have no excuses to procrastinate learning something new! Get everyone to share with one another how they have been spending their free time, be it cooking, baking or even incorporating a new workout routine!

7. Keep A Goal To Achieve At The End of Circuit Breaker

Having a goal will always keep us motivated. Get your employees to share their goals with the team and how they plan to achieve them at the end of this Circuit Breaker! The goal can be as simple as maintaining your weight – as long as you have a goal, you have a go at this! 

8. Form A Heart Chain

This seems to be pretty popular even outside of work context, and it is indeed a refreshing activity to do together over a Zoom session with your team!

9. Celebrate Birthdays

No physical celebration but a virtual one will do! Remind your employees that they are not forgotten even if everyone has been working remotely. To spice things up a little, you may even order a surprise delivery to your employee and sing a birthday song together with your team.

Work from home does not have to be as dull as it sounds! It is our duty as the employer to come up with novel ways continuously to keep our employees motivated and engaged. If you want to keep yourself motivated, here are also some ways you can achieve that!

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Danang Trip
September 29, 2019