How the Size of Moisturizing Agent Molecules Affects Human Skin

October 15, 2019

Our skin consists of three different layers. Epidermis is the outermost layer followed by dermis and the deepest layer, hypodermis. Different moisturizing agents target different layers of our skin. Smaller molecules are able to move more freely and penetrate into deeper layers of skin. On the other hand, bigger molecules are more likely to stay on the outermost layer of the skin and moisture the top layer of the skin only.

The latest improvement for moisturizing agent is Sodium Hyaluronate. Sodium Hyaluronate is the salt derivatives of Hyaluronic Acid which both provide excellent skin-boosting effect to minimize rough and flaky skin. However, Sodium Hyaluronate is a more popular choice because it has better chemical stability and smaller molecular size.

In the today’s market, Sodium Hyaluronate found in many Moisturizing Skincare products only targets single layer of our skin! This is because it consists only one size of Sodium Hyaluronate molecules. If one desires to target more than one skin layer, a variety of molecule sizes would be required. How can we make it possible? In order to moisturize various skin layers, we recommend hyaluronate AZ05. The chemical is a 3 in 1 moisturizing agent with specification of the following:


Viscous Liquid


Colorless to light yellow





Relative Density at 25℃

0.980 – 1.030

Hyaluronate AZ05 consists of three different molecular weights* of Sodium Hyaluronate which keep every layer of skin moisturized. Since it comes in solution form, no dilution is needed. Hence, it is easy to use. Furthermore, it is suitable for sensitive skin! The benefits of each molecular weight is as the following: 

Molecular size *


High Molecular Weight

Absorbs moisture from the air and forms moisture shield keeping surface layer (Epidermis) of our skin moisturized

Middle Molecular Weight

Increases moisture density of dermis and raises water retention capacity

Low Molecular Weight

Provide moisture for hypodermis, deepest layers of the skin

Based on the testing, it is observed that Hyaluronate AZ05:

  • Improves the skin elasticity greatly
  • Makes the skin softer, smoother and less flaky

Our Solution

If you are interested to try Hyaluronate AZ05
Contact us for FREE sample now!

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